Whether you just graduated college or are looking for a new job, good interviewing skills are a must in the engineering industry. During an interview, you will be asked questions about your experience and ability to work with other engineers. Here’s how to ace your next interview on the first try:
Come prepared. The most important part of an interview is the preparation. Before you go in, be sure to research the company to make sure it is a good fit. It also doesn’t hurt to re-read the job description and find ways to incorporate skills from your resume into the description. Finally, don’t forget to prepare a decent resume and a list of references. Come with questions to ask your interviewer to solidify your interest.
Dress the part. During your research, make sure you understand the culture and dress of the company. Are you going to be working in a corporate office or on a construction site? If you are confused on how to dress, don’t be afraid to reach out to human resources with any questions you may have.
Listen. Prior to the interview, it is important to practice active listening skills. You don’t want to be the person who talks too much but who hasn’t listened well enough to understand the question. Good communication skills include listening to a question or feedback and letting the interviewer know you heard what they said. If a question isn’t clear, ask the interviewer to clarify.
Avoid certain questions. Once you ace your interview and come to the portion where you are able to ask questions, avoid questions around compensation, time off and other benefits. Also, avoid talking negatively about other bosses or co-workers or speaking in a way that is over-exaggerated or cocky. You want to come off as personable and interested in the the company’s mission and purpose.