Networking events are crucial to keeping up with industry news and setting yourself apart from the competition. If you are planning on attending a large networking event with other professionals in your field, it may be difficult to stand out from... (Read More)
In an era of evolving technology, engineers should know about innovations available in 2019. Experts believe these technologies will shape the engineering industry by transforming the marketplace and consumerism tech reality. Check them out... (Read More)
The new year is a time to reflect on what business practices were successful in 2018, and which ones weren’t. Now is the time to make a new plan to include these adjustments to help your business sky rocket in the new year. A successful business... (Read More)
Although engineers may not spend much time in the business department (marketing, finance, human resources, etc.), it is important to know how to efficiently and effectively work with these professionals. Business is essential to engineering (and to... (Read More)
Whether you have just graduated from college or landed a new position, adjusting to a new job can be a difficult process. No one is going to tell you what to expect and you will not fully understand the company culture until you are immersed in it... (Read More)
As we approach the new year, there are rumors of new technology that will become mainstream in the near future. Check them out below:
1. Automation
Automation, a system that has formerly been limited in scope, is expected to become mainstream... (Read More)
Creating an effective resume is essential to landing a job interview. With the right tools, you can make your resume stand out to land multiple job interviews. Follow these tips to gain an edge:
1. Organization is key.
Most employers have... (Read More)
Are you wanting to look professional for your next job search? Now is the time to think about stepping beyond your resume and LinkedIn account by creating a digital portfolio. Creating a digital portfolio can be done without any programming... (Read More)
Social media is rapidly growing and becoming more influential in the engineering industry. Because of its growth, engineers should understand how to utilize these resources. There are several new resources listed below that are becoming available in... (Read More)